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December 2022

Sir Donald Brydon spoke at Devonshire House on 8.11.22

Sir Donald’s Critical Issues Topic was Directors in the present age. How businesses now need to be run and how Directors need to react and shape that process.

Devonshire House is very grateful to Sir Donald Brydon for sharing his time and his insightful and frank views and also to Barry Gamble for moderating the Event which will shine a light for many of us on key Governance issues and challenges facing today’s businesses and those who lead them.

Barry Gamble says:-

This address was a "tour de force" and offered some challenge to the received wisdom of the corporate governance industry and from a businessman of considerable achievement. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the views offered – from everyone in the room – we are sure that the points made – and also by many in the room - will be further debated so companies are better run to generate more wealth.


Sir Donald touched on corporate reporting and his authorship of the Brydon Report on auditing, in 2019.  He described the response to this as "glacial' in a piece for Board Agenda last year. View Brydon Report Here


It’s looking like there is a growing appetite for more

Devonshire House at its Best!

Welcoming Sir Donald Brydon to the Royal Thames Yacht Club Devonshire House Event on 8.11.22 was just like old times!  To be precise; three years ago - for this, our favourite Event format.  Zooms don’t get anywhere near the buzz; the sheer pleasure of real conversations with real people about things that matter; the re-connections - and new ones – at what was a capacity Director-level gathering.   For a short time, the insidious and lingering impacts of Covid - so far - were forgotten. Read about the event here.

At the heart of Devonshire House are senior decision makers keen to discover and explore original thinking and information generated from all the Events we promote.

What might the Mid Term US Elections mean for the UK? 

Devonshire House was delighted to have the recent opportunity of presenting this important Talk and discussion What made it rather special was that our Speaker was Congressman Mick Mulvaney who managed the White House as Chief-of-Staff to President Trump – January 2019 till March 2020 – during both his impeachment and the first days of the Coronavirus pandemic. Trump’s ambitions   continue to engage much speculation.   We produced a video from the zoom recording –  you might like to see it – with our compliments - Have a look at this - Mid Term US Elections 8.11.22 .  You’ll need to use your email address to access it – but there’s a lot of insightful stuff therein.

Introducing SNAP 

from  Trustees Unlimited - arguably , the leading Search firm in the UK finding Trustees for Charities.  They have recently launched their Charity Sector highly innovative SNAP Trustee selection tool. Trustees Unlimited develop trustees, strengthen boards and drive change for a better society. You can find more information and register to be a trustee HERE. Also, you might watch this short video for SNAP - VIDEO

Does anyone really understand how the UK workplace is changing? 

Working Free - says it understands it - better than most.  Currently a hot topic in the media – lots of questions – and not many answers – certainly NO action.  Read about it here.


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